Sunday, April 11, 2021

On tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club - Songbird (The Tudor Court, Book I) by Karen Heenan #BookReview #HistoricalFiction #Tudors @karen_heenan @maryanneyarde


Dear Readers, I am so excited to be on tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club again. You may remember my interview with Kare Heenan back in December, but today I am going to let you know what I thought of Karen's book because I was lucky enough to be given a review copy as part of this tour. But before we get to my review, let's remind ourselves about Karen's book!

She has the voice of an angel...

But one false note could send her back to her old life of poverty.

After her father sells her to Henry VIII, ten-year-old Bess builds a new life as a royal minstrel, and earns the nickname "the king's songbird." 

She comes of age in the dangerous Tudor court, where the stakes are always high, and where politics, heartbreak, and disease threaten everyone from the king to the lowliest musician.

Her world has only one constant: Tom, her first and dearest friend. But when Bess intrigues with Anne Boleyn and strains against the restrictions of life at court, will she discover that the biggest risk of all is listening to her own stubborn heart?

My Review

I had heard that Songbird was one of those rare books that if you are lucky, you may one day stumble across. When I saw that The Coffee Pot Book Club was taking on tour the novel that they had named — The Coffee Pot Book Club Book Of The Year 2020 — I knew that I could not miss out on the opportunity of reading this book.

Words cannot even begin…there are not enough adjectives in the dictionary to describe how amazing this novel is. It is consuming, engrossing, and so compelling that I stayed up half the night reading it. Hand on heart, I have never read a book like it. The author demands so much from her readers, I laughed, I cried, a cringed, I hoped, oh how I hoped that Bess would one day find the happiness she deserved. And I so hoped she would find what she was looking for with Tom. But circumstances tear them apart again and again and…Shh! I must not give away any spoilers because I don’t want to ruin this book for anyone. It is suffice to say that the story is…it’s bloody brilliant from start to finish.

This book has left a deep impression in my heart, maybe even in my soul. This is a story that I will never ever forget and it is a book that I am going to read over and over again, because that is the kind of book it is. Without a doubt, I really think that this is my all-time favourite book. I cannot see anything toppling Songbird from the number 1 position.

Buy this Book - you really must buy this book!

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Karen Heenan

Karen Heenan was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. She fell in love with books and stories before she could read, and has wanted to write for nearly as long. After far too many years in a cubicle, she set herself free to follow her dreams—which include gardening, sewing, traveling and, of course, lots of writing.

She lives in Lansdowne, PA, not far from Philadelphia, with two cats and a very patient husband, and is always hard at work on her next book.

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