About me!


My name is Jamie, and I live in what was once proclaimed a Royal Forest - the fabulous New Forest near the City of Southhampton. I have adored history since I was a child, and I discovered Historical Fiction when I was fourteen when we were forced to read A Tale of Two Cities at school. While my fellow students moaned about the book and grabbed a copy of the video, I devoured the book and loved every minute of it! My only school regret is that I did not study history as I thought it was a dry and dull subject - how wrong was I?

I am a judge for an International Historical Fiction Book Contest.

I am a historical fiction tour host for The Coffee Pot Book Club 

I review historical fiction by both traditionally published and independently published authors. If you would like your book to be considered for a review drop me a message over on Twitter.

*I am currently closed to new submissions.

I hope you enjoy finding your next great read over on
 The Whispering Bookworm!

1 comment:

On tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club: Diomedes in Kyprios by Gregory Michael Nixon Audiobook Narrator: Simon de Denet #HistoricalFiction #MythicalFiction #HistoricalMyths #Cyprus #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @doknyx73 @cathiedunn

This is a historically-based novel with authentic, mythic, and fictional characters interacting across the extraordinary panorama after the ...